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The human eye is delicate and very susceptible to injury.

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Wylie Vision Care Provides Emergency Eye Care in Wylie, Texas

Eye injury and eye infection can both be painful and frightening experiences that require urgent medical treatment. If you suddenly find that your eye is red, swollen and/or oozing, or you suffer trauma to your eye from a foreign body or chemical substance, contact us to schedule an immediate eye exam. Located conveniently to serve you, we are your expert and compassionate emergency eye doctor near me.

Our emergency eye doctor in Wylie, Texas, is experienced and qualified to treat a wide range of ocular emergencies, including:

  • Eye infections
  • Removal of a foreign object stuck in your eye
  • Irritation due to a chemical substance
  • Eye allergy symptoms
  • Corneal abrasions

We outfit our office with advanced diagnostics to make sure that you benefit from precise, effective treatments. In the event of an eye emergency, do not delay – call us as soon as possible for assistance. This is the best way to avoid future complications and problems with your vision.

Do not attempt to treat the problem on your own without consulting your emergency eye doctor near me. Call us: 972-449-9090 if it is after hours, you will hear a message with Dr. Schacherer cellphone number. Don't hesitate to call if there is an eye emergency, we understand that ocular emergencies can occur at any hour.

What do I do if I have a scratch in my eye or a corneal abrasion?

Call us at 972-449-9090. If it is after hours, you will hear a message with Dr. Craig Schacherer's cellphone number. Don't hesitate to call if there is an eye emergency. Do not go to the emergency room. Just like you see a dentist for a tooth problem, you see an eye doctor for an eye problem. We have seen hundreds of patients over the years who went to the ER and got misdiagnosed. We have the equipment necessary for a proper examination and diagnosis of an eye injury.

If your eye is injured, don’t try to judge the severity of it. Immediately seek the opinion of an eye doctor to lessen the risk of hurting your vision. We understand ocular emergencies can arise at any time.

Symptoms that require emergency service include, but are not limited to:

Sometimes, it can be difficult to recognize which symptoms qualify as an emergency. Here is an outline of some common signs that you need to visit your emergency eye doctor in Wylie, Texas:

  • Red or pink eyes
  • Stinging or burning
  • Ocular pain
  • Irritation or itchiness
  • Foreign object stuck in your eye
  • Double Vision
  • Burns
  • Seeing flashes of light
  • New sensitivity to light
  • Sudden changes in pupil size
  • New “floaters” in your field of view
  • Dark shadows gliding across your vision
  • Sudden vision loss, in one or both eyes
Things NOT to do while waiting for professional medical assistance:
  • DO NOT press on an injured eye or allow the victim to rub the eye(s).
  • DO NOT attempt to remove a foreign body that is resting on the cornea (the clear surface of the eye through which we see) or that appears to be embedded in any part of the eye.
  • DO NOT use dry cotton (including cotton swabs) or sharp instruments (such as tweezers) on the eye.
  • DO NOT attempt to remove an embedded object.
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Signs of an Eye Infection (Red/Pink Eye)

A myriad of culprits can lead to eye infections, such as bacteria, viruses, or contact with a hazardous substance. In general, people who wear contacts are more prone to eye infections. (If you experience an eye infection, remove your contacts and wear glasses until you visit your emergency eye doctor in Wylie, Texas.)

Some eye infections can threaten the long-lasting health of your vision, which is why it’s essential to recognize the signs and book an emergency eye exam. Signs to watch out for include:

  1. Discharge from your eye that is watery, green, yellow, or bloody (white or creamy colored discharge is common and normal)
  2. Red eyes or red and swollen eyelids
  3. Sensation that something is stuck in your eye
  4. A white or gray sore on your iris
  5. Pain in your eye
  6. Blurry vision, or other vision changes
  7. Increased sensitivity to light
  8. Fever, with no other cause

If you’re not sure whether your eye problem is an emergency or not – call us! Doing nothing is dangerous and can lead to vision loss, premature cataracts, and retinal damage. Don’t take chances with your vision. Our emergency eye doctor in Wylie, TX, values your eye health and will help to keep your sight safe!

Astigmatism is a very common eye condition that’s easily corrected by eyeglasses or contact lenses and on some occasions, surgery.

Common Causes of Eye Injury

Chemical Exposure and Your Eyes

Many people assume that exposure to chemicals affects only the skin and lungs. However, even mild exposure to chemicals in household cleaning products can damage your vision.

Chemicals like sodium hydroxide can be found in oven and drain cleaners. Air fresheners and leather cleaners may contain formaldehyde, which in high amounts, has been linked to certain types of cancer. Exposure to these substances can cause itching, burning, redness, or soreness in the eyes.

The #1 way to lower your risk is to wash your hands thoroughly after handling cleaning products. Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes until your hands are washed and clear of any lingering chemical substances. If the pain persists, contact your eye doctor.


A concussion is an injury to the brain caused by a physical trauma, known as a Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI. This is typically caused by a sudden blow or bump to the head, which makes the brain move around inside the head. A concussion can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, or sudden light sensitivity.Concussions can lead to vision problems, including blurry or double vision, eyestrain, problems with eye coordination, and reading difficulties.If you or a loved one has experienced a concussion, contact our office immediately. Dr. Schacherer will perform a comprehensive eye exam to check your visual acuity and overall eye health to ensure that the injury hasn’t negatively impacted your everyday activities.

Dislodged Contact Lenses

For contact lens wearers, getting lenses stuck in the eye can be a painful experience. This happens when the lens folds itself or moves underneath the eyelid. Simply massage your eye and the lens will usually move or fall out on its own. If it feels dry, administer some rewetting drops or artificial tears to moisturize the area.A dislodged lens may also be a sign of poor fit. In these cases, we can simply examine your eye and outfit you for better fitting contact lenses.Should you be unsuccessful at dislodging a stuck contact lens by yourself, that’s where we come in. Visit Wylie Vision Care and we’ll remove it and get you back to comfortable lens wear.

Eye Infections

A highly common eye emergency, eye infections can be serious and contagious, depending on the type of infection you have. One of the most prevalent eye infections is conjunctivitis, also known as “pink eye.” This occurs when the conjunctiva, which is a thin membrane that lines the eyelids and sclera (white part of the eye), become inflamed or swollen. The sclera usually turns dark pink or red, and the eyes become watery and include a mucus discharge.

Pink eye is contagious and spreads quickly, especially around children in daycare and schools. Fortunately, we can treat eye infections with antibiotic eye drops or ointment. These usually eradicate the infection quickly. In more severe cases, Dr. Schacherer may recommend an alternative course of action.

Foreign Materials Stuck in the Eyes

Getting something stuck in your eye can be excruciating. Even a tiny eyelash that falls into the eye can be very painful and immediately cause your eyes to water, itch, burn, or sting. If a foreign particle gets into your eye, rinse your eye with cold water for 15 minutes. If that doesn’t wash it away, seek medical care immediately. A sharp piece of debris like a tiny shard of glass or pebble can scratch the cornea, known as a corneal abrasion. A deep abrasion can lead to eye infection or a corneal ulcer, so if you experience a foreign substance in your eye without successfully flushing it out on your own, contact your eye doctor as soon as possible.

Itchy or Irritated Eyes

Perhaps one of the most frequently reported symptoms, itchiness or irritation in the eyes can be a sign of various eye diseases or conditions. Itchy eyes are often a symptom of Dry Eye Disease, a condition in which the eyes do not produce enough tears to keep the eyes lubricated.Itchy eyes can signify a corneal scratch, also known as a corneal abrasion. This happens when something scratches the cornea of your eye, like a fingertip or a tiny grain of sand. Even rubbing your eyes excessively can cause a corneal abrasion.

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